Cretaceous Cowboy, Jake Harris

Age 3    

Jake Harris

Field Operations Guv'nor

Excavating premier Paleontological Sites and unearthing exciting new discoveries - Life doesn't get much better than that!!
(Mark my words) I will find another T-Rex or a brand new species of dinosaur some day

My real moniker is Jake. However, I’m also known as Jakey Super-Fly, Super-Fly Snooka' and Cretaceous Cowboy. I dig bones, raise cattle, play poker and golf for a living (all of which pay very little) – but I’m an eternal optimist and am always finding the positive aspects to life so I have fun and enjoy juggling it all.

    Fun facts about me

  • I’m especially partial to the 16th flavor of the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper, I’m a terrible dancer, and I bleed Dallas Cowboys silver and blue. (Jerry Jones, Let's do lunch) 
  • I would love to be able to play the guitar like Ted Nugent.
  • Sometimes in my dreams I aspire to become a Professional Cage Fighter.
  • 42 years ... and still on the hunt for that LUCKY GAL that can put up with me for more than six months. 


    Fun facts about my personality

  • I’m very Partial to symmetry
  • I dislike it when people chew with their mouth open / or when I can hear people chewing their food
  • If you need a prankster and a joker – I’m here!
  • I’m constantly trying to convince people that I’m Batman...I’m just saying people haven’t seen Batman and I at the same place at the same time ...
  • I would rather ‘listen and process’ than to interrupt and speak over others
  • I’m an old school kind of guy - a handshake and a man's word should still be as good as a contract
  • I truly respect my elders and their wisdom...we could all learn a thing or two if we actually took the time to sit down and listen 
  • I absolutely Do. Not. Do. Drama.
  • A Grouser and I Do. Not. Get. Along.    ...Grouser, look it up  :)
  • I will admit … I’m a hopeless romantic

and …. nothing gets me going like the smell of fresh dirt & diesel in the morning

Oh, and I’m the middle GOLDEN child…so, for all you middle children out there - stay GOLDEN!!

I look forward to connecting with you